Sunday, July 29, 2007

bird in hand

my sister ellen is an amazing woman.
she's one of those seldom people who was blessed with two full hemispheres of brain (and stunning good looks!)--where art & science, personality & thoughtfulness, language & logic are interwoven like a beautiful quilt.
she's just accepted a fellowship with the CDC and will be doing global AIDS research out in california...
but in her spare time, she knits. she knits things like these, for lucky people like isaiah.
someday (if i have any say in the matter), she'll have a business called bird in hand.
watch for it. save your pennies. they'll be heirlooms!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

put to scale

no, it's not a super-sized binky.
for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of meeting isaiah yet, we thought we'd help you put him to scale.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

popularity contest

if it were one, isaiah would be winning. the visitors continue to flow into his life, showering him with love (and tears!)

boy's best friend

moses the dog has quickly taken to isaiah... he seems to have almost a magnetic attraction to the babe, needing to be close at all times--including diaper changes.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

sensory overload

Isaiah has begun to discover the fact that his hands are attached to his body. he has also, quite by accident, happened to land his fist/thumb/finger inside his mouth on a few different occasions--shocking himself, then gratefully, sucking on it like crazy. but never for long; the lack of muscle control soon jerks his digits back out with a loud "smack!"
and it starts all over again...

tummy time

isa LOVES lying on his stomach. his doc of course recommended he sleep on his back, and that we lie him on his belly to 'play' when he's awake to strengthen his neck & abdominal muscles. but this seems to be his idea of playtime...


isaiah met his uncle pat & aunt angie on tuesday, down from madison, wi. they seem to have the touch...

skin on skin

Friday, July 6, 2007

first bath!

isa endured his first 'baptism' in the kitchen sink, in the (huge!) hands of his father. looks like he's flipping us off here... i don't think he was as excited about the prospect as we were.

Surrounded by Love

Andrew & I knew we were surrounded by amazing family & friends... but it wasn't until Isa's arrival that we were absolutely overwhelmed by their love & support. He is one lucky little dude!

First Week

Isa accomplished quite a bit during his first week of life on Earth... the most important, perhaps was meeting his new family & friends.