Saturday, May 31, 2008

11 months!

they said time would fly, but we had absolutely no idea; one whole year--here & gone. it's been a wonderful, whirling blur.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008


10 months

Isa likes to:
eat sweet potatoes, yogurt, spaghetti, bacon (yes, it's true. sorry, kevin.)
sprout top teeth
eat dandelions & maple tree helicopters
feed moses
play in his AWESOME tent from alaina

still beathing!

which is great news, after pneumonia. sweet isa was a champ with his first illness--fought off both nebulizer & drugs like a true Jedi. here he's making up with his fish mask, after an especially upsetting treatment; a scar has left its mark on his nose, from trying to rip the mask off his face.

all dressed up

we finally had somewhere to go! snapped a family photo to capture us on this unique, clean moment.