Sunday, November 30, 2008

gobble gobble!

we had a great time out east with aunt liza, uncle tim & amelia (AND the cousin in the oven ;). it was fun to see amelia & isa interact--they're not babies anymore! we did lots of laughing & eating & laughing & eating... just like Thanksgiving should be!

After 16 hours in the car, Isa is a seasoned traveler!

Birdie Num Num

Millie Boo


Storytime takes a hilarious turn



driving home

spin doctor

isaiah's really getting into dancing--and has just lately taken to this whirling dervish technique.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

isa & moses have developed a somewhat parasitic relationship...isaiah has discovered that moses makes a really comf Barkalounger, and moses in turn has found isa as his best source for human food.
he loved the orange 'balls' lying all over the ground at the pumpkin patch, and also really took a liking to the Radio Flyer... so much so, that any time andrew stopped pulling for a moment, he threw a fit.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

15 months

-8 teeth
-drunken walking (controlled falling)
-words: all done, banana, apple, night-night, baba, dada, mama, nana, ball
-favorite foods: banana, toast, grapes, Cheez-its & french fries

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Isaiah meets his Barber

look what happened to isa today! we're in a bit of 'fro withdrawal... and i'm still convinced andrew just brought a totally different child home from the barbershop. suddenly Little Man is a big boy. took first steps last weekend, and hasn't stopped since!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

hot fun in the summertime

these summer days are slipping through our fingers like sand...
Little Man is sprouting 4 more teeth--all at the same time (youch!), walking along furniture (and Moses), crawling upstairs (and wanting to go down head first), and continuing his Gandhi-esque hunger strike. we're having a hard time relating to someone that isn't a glutton...

Monday, June 30, 2008

little man's big day

the festivities spanned many days, as we celebrated Isa's first complete trip around the Sun. besides not liking birthday caps & birthday cake, i think he enjoyed himself... and will hopefully hang around for another year.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

11 months!

they said time would fly, but we had absolutely no idea; one whole year--here & gone. it's been a wonderful, whirling blur.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008


10 months

Isa likes to:
eat sweet potatoes, yogurt, spaghetti, bacon (yes, it's true. sorry, kevin.)
sprout top teeth
eat dandelions & maple tree helicopters
feed moses
play in his AWESOME tent from alaina

still beathing!

which is great news, after pneumonia. sweet isa was a champ with his first illness--fought off both nebulizer & drugs like a true Jedi. here he's making up with his fish mask, after an especially upsetting treatment; a scar has left its mark on his nose, from trying to rip the mask off his face.

all dressed up

we finally had somewhere to go! snapped a family photo to capture us on this unique, clean moment.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Godzilla gets pneumonia

Despite the pneumonia, he continues his world domination...

Monday, April 14, 2008

spitting image

This certainly verges on disgusting, but as his parents we still find it hilarious. And, it deserves documentation since it's all he's done for the past couple weeks. Typically with a mouth full of green beans.

Friday, April 4, 2008

SONshine state

Shine he did, with his first experience of sun, sand & surf! We had a great time in Naples with Isa's godparents, Becky & Corey.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Monday, March 17, 2008

the Army Crawler

In like a lion...

at 8 months he
roars like a lion
sprouted two teeth
perfected the Army crawl
eats finger foods
plays Peek-A-Boo
and turns off light switches.




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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Winter in Madison

We had a great time up in Madison, WI with Isa's aunt & uncles a couple weekends ago... freezing cold, tons of snow--and a great trip to their greenhouse to escape it all...




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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Be mine.




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Friday, February 1, 2008

he laughs.

Cutting the cord

Isaiah started daycare today. Wow. That's just not natural. But it seems like a pretty great place, with wonderful people... and probably a LOT more entertaining than hanging with us. He sits up now like it's no big deal... is actually starting to straight-up LOUNGE. Petit jeune homme!

Monday, January 21, 2008

yee haw.

isaiah anthony is on the move! oh boy. the time has finally come to actually babyproof the house. he's perfected the roll, to the point of perhaps never needing to crawl, and is practically sitting on his own...

Monday, January 14, 2008

things got a bit hairy...

well, so much for not cutting his 'fro until 5 yrs... after just 6 mos, isaiah's hair truly depicted a rat's nest. a tumble weed. a mad scientist. but, why i thought i should be the one to do the honors?!
all his soft baby locks are sheered, and i've left him with an uneven Brillo pad. it's going to take us all a while to recover this trauma. in the meantime, we're on the hunt for a proper barber...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

moses the dog

as far as isaiah's concerned, garvey & i are chopped liver when moses is around. isa's a bit slow to warm up to him sometimes (with that breath, it takes a lot of love), but their relationship is parasitic before long...

Monday, January 7, 2008

gummy grin

isaiah's really been cracking himself up lately.
either that, or he's laughing at me.
crap. and so it begins...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

giddy up

isa's been rockin the high chair for a while now, but i just came across this clip from his first 'ride'...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

snow day!

today we're appreciating an extension to our holiday, thanks to Mother Nature & almost 2 feet of snow! isaiah skidded around in his new sled--and i think would have actually smiled in these photos if not for frozen cheeks. moses knocking him over probably didn't help, either.