Tuesday, November 13, 2007


here is isaiah's interpretation of a favorite book, Baby Panda

western values

isaiah finally got to meet the west coast contingent! cousins mike & joe, accompanied by their beautiful ladies & friend mike g. were in for the weekend. a sardy good time was had by one & all.

taste & see

at isa's 4 month appointment, we were told he could start doing rice cereal!
although, this proved to be much more exciting for andrew & i than it was for him:

all dressed up & no where to go

ok. so i thought things were going well in terms of my avoidance of the whole over-obsessive mother bit... until i suddenly looked down at my poor son the other day, dressed up like the little brother in The Christmas Story.
all we were doing was taking the dog for a walk around the block.
it was at least 50 degrees outside.
i'm screwed.
no, wait--he's screwed.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


we're doing our best to generate great blackmail photos of isa, with which to haunt him when he's older. happy halloween!

social eater

isaiah's become quite the chatty kathy lately, especially after hitting the bottle...